Monday 16 July 2012

TODAY WAS AN AWESOME DAY! We got up bright and early as always(; We ate breakfast which was great! And then we went to our flag ceremony that was led by Sarah, Erin, Natalee, Caelan and our new friend Brooke! Brooke is from New Zealand! Then, we had fun "imagining more" it was SO interesting(: Did you know 60'000'000 girls are forced to get married every year? It's true! Next we took the tube to Victoria station and visited the UK Guiding Store and headquarters, we ate lunch! It was actually so delicious. We ate sandwiches, crisps, apples, cookies& drank a juice box! Then Kyla as pooped on by a really cute pigeon, it was a super poop too! it literally exploded all over her jacket and hair! Next we walked to BUCKINGHAM PALACE:D Guess what! The queen was there! We didn't have the chance to see her tho:( We all took some beautiful pictures of/with the palace and we left, it was an awesome experience as you could just imagine(; We took a walk through james park. We saw a gorgeous swan, ducks, squirrels and even Canadian geese! The Canada girls and New Zealand girls split into separate groups to explore! Our group had the best Pax Lodge leader ever! Her name is lilit she is from Armenia she is such a fascinating person& she is also super hilarious;D It was the best when we walked by some of the guards who worked at buckingham palace. Of course we tried to make them laugh, and though we couldn't fit all eighteen girls in a telephone booth we WERE able to make one of the guards smile! We went on an adventure in the National Art Gallery! We saw original pieces of art by very famous artists like Van gogh, Monet, Manat and Davinci. We took a red double decker bus back to pax lodge and ate dinner! We ate amazing rice, the best chickpea enchiladas, caesar salad and mouth watering carrot cake! After that we played mini Olympics! My favorite part was throwing the rubber boots across the room to see who's could go the farthest! Mine was the only one that hit the door!:D We learn't some traditions from places like Armenia, Nigeria and Malta(: We sang taps in six different languages! And now we're all snuggling down and getting ready for bed! I wonder what eye opening experiences tomorrow will bring for us...
Love Serena<3 xoxo
p.s we miss everyone so much and we can hardly wait to see everyone again!


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